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Video Quality: HD
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IMDB Rate: N/A
Genres: N/A
Year: 2024
Country: N/A
Language: English
Run Time: 20 min

Download Theo's Tears - 2024


Theo Kingston is an undersized pre-teen who loves musicals, art, and dance. Richard Kingston, his father, prefers drinking a cold beer and watching ESPN. On the day of his peewee football tryout, Theo’s supportive mother, Julie, heads out of town for an academic conference. It is the first time the boys will be home alone together and it just happens to be the week of Halloween. All is well until Theo reveals that he and his BFF, Tess, plan to dress as Anna and Elsa from Frozen. This is unacceptable for Richard; he forbids his son from tarnishing the family legacy in front of the whole town. He denies Theo’s request and demands he focus on making the football team. But Theo would much rather be on the cheerleading team with Tess instead of getting bullied by his teammates. Both fronts escalate when Theo spontaneously decides to paint his fingernails.

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